Monday, August 08, 2005

Mondays are hard

So it's Monday again. Mondays are easily the toughest day of the week for me. I go to bed too late Sunday night because I don't want the weekend to be over. Then I wake up Monday morning and have to drag myself into work approximately on time. Monday morning is the time that people forget their passwords or have their computers accidentally unplugged by cleaning staff over the weekend or need someone to fix the giant mess they've made trying to upgrade something over the weekend. I usually have one of those to fix on Monday morning, and email to catch up on. And then I have to decide what to do. It's the problem with having a job that is self directed - which project do I work on? And what on earth was I working on Friday when I left?

I hunt around for sticky notes, both real and virtual, and find a few things to do. Not surprisingly, they're all stuff I've been putting off because it is unpleasant. I choose the least unpleasant to do, which means that the really unpleasant stuff will still be waiting for me next Monday. It seems that by the end of each week, I know how to do my job and what I am working on. Then I go home for the weekend and when I come back Monday, my brain has abandoned me completely. I really need to start working on projects from start to finish so that I don't have to keep so many projects in my brain-RAM all the time.

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