Sunday, July 20, 2008

What a Week!

Monday: Pack. Go to the doctor. Tell him I'm 8 weeks post op when I'm really almost 12, resulting in him being confused by how well I am healed. Boobs are all good, don't need a follow up.

Tuesday: Pack more. Don't sleep enough, start to freak out about how not packed I am. Still think I can get everything done. Have chicken escape while feeding them, followed by a 20 minutes session of trying to reason with a chicken. Give up, chase chicken around like an idiot, catch it and put it back in its cage.

Wednesday: Supposed to be the big move day. Sick to my stomach. REALLY sick to my stomach. About 1 pm realize that even if I get everything packed, I still am in no shape to fly. Call Orbitz. Try to rebook ticket. Have the following conversation:
Orbitz woman: So with the $119 credit minus the $150 change fee plus the $208 ticket and the $25 booking fee, your total is $264.
Me: Isn't it just cheaper for me to book a new ticket?
Orbitz woman: Maybe.
Me: I'm fairly certain "Is $264 more or less than $208?" cannot be answered with "maybe"
Rebook new ticket on the 15 minute internet computer at the public library. Return library books. Ship my bike. Go to the bank. Try not to lose mind. Get plenty of sleep that night, thank God.

Thursday: Finish packing. Mail a huge number of boxes parcel post and media mail to General Delivery in Ann Arbor. Special shout out to Mark, THE nicest postal employee I have ever met, at the Silverbell post office. Run errands: food bank, goodwill, Target and Performance for returns of stuff I didn't use yet and didn't want to pack. Drive to the airport in the rental car, realizing that screaming down Alvernon at 55 mph is going to be my last memory of Tucson. Return rental car, check in 44 minutes before my flight leaves. Befuddled when it tells me there are no seats available on my flight. Clear up issue with US Airways, pay them $15 to check my bag. Enter security. Get secondary screened. Since it takes them 20 minutes to go through my stuff (they opened up my packs of gum! seriously!) I get interrogated (albeit a very friendly interrogation) for 20 minutes. It was hilarious enough to warrant its own post, actually. Board flight for Vegas. Delayed in Vegas but don't care. Get on red eye for Philly, sleep like a champ for the 4.5 hour flight.

Friday: Wait, it's Friday? That clock on the train platform says it is, so it must be. Boy do red eyes get me confused. Purchase world's largest iced coffee. Enjoy how cheap Dunkin' Donuts is on the east coast. Take train to Philly Greyhound station. Take NJ Transit bus to Vineland to visit Marc. Manage to stay awake until 3 pm, at which point I crash for a nap.

Friday and beyond: Hang out with Marc and sleep a lot. It's been good fun, and VERY relaxing now that all that moving crap is behind me.

1 comment:

Erik said...

I'm really glad you made it safe and that there was mainly no mishaps. Enjoy your time with everyone and rest well.