Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Everyone should own a hacksaw

Dad: Do you have a hacksaw?
Heather: Why would I have a hacksaw?
Dad: Everyone should own a hacksaw.

My dad is a carpenter, and quite a good one. Throughout the years he's tried to impart his construction knowledge and various tools to me. When I was four we built my first toolbox and he gave me my very first hammer. I now posess a bucket of tools a vague knowledge of how things get built.

The point of all this is I built a desk. I called dad, and he gave me about 6 different plans for building a desk with the 2'x3' piece of 5/8" plywood I bought at a yard sale. I settled on the 2x4 box method, and voila, a desk for me. The nice people at Lowe's will actually cut your wood to the right lengths with a relatively high degree of accuracy. So really, my dad told me how to make a desk, the people at Lowe's made all the pieces, and I nailed it together. I'm absurdly proud of myself for this achievement, just like last time I nailed a few boards together and called it furniture. Total cost $13.

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