Monday, January 10, 2005

Oh god, now I've done it

Blogging. It's the new thing. You write everything about your life as though other people might actually care, and by some fluke, some other people actually do care and read it. I've been resisting blogging for a few reasons. 1) I figured no one would care 2) I talk too much already 3) There are already too many people in the world who confuse having an inner monologue with the ability to write something interesting.

So why I am now starting a blog? Because I can. Because I don't care if no one cares, because I might as well write too much rather than talk too much, and because I happen to think my inner monologue really IS more interesting than everyone else's. What will I write about? God only knows. Who will read it? Hopefully no one.

So welcome, my imaginary crowd of adoring fans with RSS feeds to keep up to date on every detail of my life. Don't expect too much.

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