Thursday, January 26, 2006

New Glasses

I got new glasses yesterday. I'm back to plastic frames and I think they are pretty damn cute. But the part you look through is way smaller than my old glasses, so I'm getting used to that. I've also felt like everything has been about 2 inches closer than it really is, and I'm hoping that is me getting used to new glasses and not some sort of rift in the space-time continuum. I'll attach a picture when I get non-lazy enough to actually take one.

The eye doctor said I should take my glasses off when I'm working at the computer or reading to prevent me from getting more nearsighted. Uh....problem is I can't really see my computer screen that well without my glasses on. And then I forget to put them back on and walk down the hallway and someone says hi to me and I don't know who they are. So I might have to settle for the inevitability of my eyes getting worse. Apparently the human eye wasn't designed to spend 90% of its time focusing on something 18 inches away.

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