Thursday, April 06, 2006

Windows on Intel Macs

Ooh, two consecutive Apple posts.

I spend a decent amount of time at work doing Macintosh desktop support. I have this duty based on the fact that in college, I was a Mac user. So even though I used to love my Mac, I currently have a lot of disdain for Macs and their users. Especially since as tech support, I rarely encounter a Mac that is working correctly, leading me to believe that Apple is selling a bunch of permanently broken computers.

But the other day I had a Mac user ask me for a text only HTML editor, and I got to wax rhapsodic about BBEdit, which is hands down the single best piece of software I have ever used. It's SO GOOD, I've been thinking about moving all my web development work over to my Mac. The only thing stopping me is that my Mac is kinda sucky in comparison to my Windows machine and the PITA factor of working on two different operating systems constantly can't be overlooked. Oh, and my boss would mock me mercilessly. And all my database stuff is stranded on Windows, at least for the time being.

But now that Apple has announced that their Intel Macs will be natively dual bootable into Mac OS X and Windows, I think it's fair to say I'll be seriously considering a Mac as my next non-work computer. I'm not even sure I'd boot it into Windows that often.

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