Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I'm writing this post at the end of my work day, 6:30 here, meaning I worked for 9.5 hours. I realize plenty of people work long hours, but I'm simply not used to putting in extra hours at my job. There was stuff that needed to be done, Will was here almost all night last night due to a server explosion. At least when I'm busy I'm not clock watching.

I'm listening to Sarah McLachlan's Christmas album. My dad burned me copies of some CDs and mailed them to me, and I've been trying to listen to them when I'm alone and uninterrupted at work. Christmas music in January, especially since I've been so resolute about not celebrating Christmas and probably heard more kwanzza music this year than Christmas music, is a little weird. But at the same time, with my first true "I don't celebrate Christmas" year behind me, it's nice to reflect a bit on why the season is so meaningful for my family and pretty much the rest of the Christian and quasi-Christian world. I'd reflect publicly, but my thoughts are pretty nascent and difficult to articulate at this point.

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