Friday, January 12, 2007


Isn't the desire to customize every system in your life to make it perfect for you part of the geek ethos? I'm surprised that places like thinkgeek and jinx can ever sell t-shirts, because while some of them are funny, none of them are quite right enough for me. I'm not a level 12 paladin, I'm a level 60 mage. And even though I love to /dance, my main is a gnome. And it seems to me that whenever they make a shirt in women's sizes, the emphasis is on "hey, girl geeks are sexy, check me out". What if I'm a girl geek who's just a geek?

Enter You can design your own t-shirts. They come out costing a bit more than the premade ones, but you can make them yourself. I'm definitely making one with a picture of my toon when I'm around level 63 (60 is too round a number for a shirt) to copy the "I am not a geek!" shirt. I actually did this at lvl 46 too but never actually ordered it. And I also really want to make one that says "Real women roll gnomes". I'm not really sure what that even means, but I think it sounds good on a t-shirt.

The only problem I have with them is that I'm really sort of devoted to American Apparel's women's tees, and it appears that's not what Zazzle offers. So if someone can point me to a similar service on AA, that'd be teh awesomezorz.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, that post made me giggle a little. While I'm a Night Elf, and female at that, I'm a male irl. So wearing the /dance shirt, even though it's nifty, might cause a few questions by those non-WoWers. Maybe I'll just wait until they release a Draenei version.