Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ouch, and some thoughts on osteopaths

I woke up this morning with my trapezius in total spasms. Not in the usual spot - higher and involving my neck. I've been bad about the stretches and exercises I'm supposed to do, and I have a feeling this is the punishment.

Possibly the best thing that happened when we moved to Tucson is that I found the best osteopath EVER. In addition to the skeleton cracking high-velocity manipulations I was used to from my old osteopath, he uses passive techniques to gently make everything happy and back to how it is supposed to be. He even taught James how to do the passive technique on my constantly spazzing trapezius, and it's probably saved me 10 or so trips to the doctor now.

Anyway, James was already gone this morning - I popped some pills but am still in constant pain. As I rode in to work today, I couldn't help but wonder if some of the marked improvement in my mood when we moved here was due to a reprieve from the pain. Not only did I feel better physically, but some of the functional limitations of chronic back pain can make life pretty crappy - not being able to drive any sort of distance, avoiding bending over the counter to cook and chop things, not being able to turn in any weird direction for fear of making things worse.

Honestly I'm so happy to have a relatively permanent solution for the problem, I'm not even upset that it took me more than three years to find a doctor who could undo my pain. It makes me wonder how many people who have failed to find pain relief from the allopathic medical community just need a really good osteopath.

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