Thursday, January 11, 2007

Some random thoughts from this morning

1. If I want inspiration, I'll buy a Chicken Soup for the Soul book. If I want leave-in conditioner, I'll buy leave in conditioner.
Apparently the fine folks at Herbal Essences just can't get enough of their own cleverness. These are the literal instructions for my conditioner:
use me: massage a quarter size into wet or dry hair. yield to my powers. take on the world.
Uh, yeah, sure. Or I could just use it to smooth out my split ends. By the way, a shout out to Bearolyn for pointing out to me that people with long hair need conditioner. Sometimes the obvious just escapes me.

2. If you want a sure fire way to ruin my day, pee on my clothes.

Thanks, Megatron. Megatron (aka TinyCat) is our new foster-to-adopt kitten. She's five months old, and seemed to be doing fine with the litter box, until this morning when I discovered she had peed on a pile of my clean clothes. I'm still inspecting this shirt, not entirely convinced she hasn't peed on everything I own. And god knows where else in the apartment.

3. I am just not excited about doing my taxes this year.
Maybe it's because it's the first year I have to deal with self-employment income, or because I strongly suspect we will owe money, or because we're no longer poor enough for the awesome retirement savings credits or free file, or perhaps I have recently begun to resemble a "normal person" who doesn't like doing their taxes. Last year I was so damn proud of myself for finding a bug in TaxCut online (if you chose one education credit over another, it incorrectly calculated the credit - if you follow that through to its logical conclusion, yes, I was using software to do my taxes but actually checked all the rules/math/etc.), the year before I was psyched about maneuvering to get us a giant rebate instead of owing several hundred dollars. This year there is nothing exciting. Seriously, being middle class is totally boring, tax-wise.

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